Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Sweet ravioli side dish

On my Facebook page, I told you about the sweet ravioli side dish I was serving at a party.  Well, now I can tell you how it all turned out.  The sweet lemon-butter sauce?  DELICIOUS.  The sweet ricotta ravioli filling?  GOOD TEXTURE.  The noodle texture?  NEEDS SOME WORK.  I served the ravioli cooled with a warm sauce.  Perhaps the entire dish should have been warmed.  (Thoughts?)

All in all?  I WILL KEEP TRYING AT THIS ONE!  I really enjoyed serving it because the dish was unique and elegant.   I intended to garnish the sweet ravioli with MINT, but I forgot to pick up the mint at the grocery store and did not have time to run back and get some.  I substituted with LEMON PEEL.   Therefore, I will make this dish again, if only for the opportunity to GARNISH properly!  I feel that BASIL would also make a lovely garnish for sweet ravioli.

When serving the dish, I placed a placard next to the bowl to indicate what was being served... I think this helped greatly to fend off questions about what was this mystery food!  I got compliments on the sauce and originality.  As I stated previously, if the dish had been fully warmed then it would have made a great difference in the noodle texture. Until next time,


Related links:  A post on mint from AeroGardenBlog (their photo)

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