Thursday, January 10, 2013

Emerging from hibernation

The blog is emerging from its hibernation today!  Writing the blog gives me a joy that I enjoy sharing with my readers.   If only "life" did not get in the way sometimes!  In 2011 the blog began as an online learning tool in social media and a fun hobby.  What a fantastic experiment it has been.  Throughout 2012, as the blog gathered steam, I struggled with focusing in on a single theme for the blog.  I have written to you about food, crafts and even fashion!  In the new year, I am still searching for my "theme".   As my body of writings continues to grow, I constantly refer back to my work and have fine tuned the focus if ever so little.  For example, homemade crafts really aren't my thing.  I don't have the patience for them.  Thus, those posts have largely phased out.  Meanwhile, I have really enjoyed producing my wine reviews and recipes.  I publish these posts all the time! Also, while I enjoy making a diary of my garden, I don't have the expertise to dole out gardening advice.  As a result, the focus of my gardening posts is bent toward a diary approach rather than a teaching approach.  I get writing inspiration every day from the things around me.  I cannot wait to see what will inspire me in 2013!  Thanks for reading my blog as I tiptoe into the world around me!  Your comments about what type of posts are my best posts are welcomed!

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