Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Salmon with Apricots

Huh?!?!  The salmon salad that I had for lunch had dried apricots in it.  This was the first I'd seen of the salmon-apricot combination. 

First, I tried to wrap my mind around the combined scent of... Apricots and.. Salmon?!?!

I picked up the salad and pressed my nose against the sealed plastic container.  All I smelled was lettuce.  Well, it didn't smell too bad.  Worth taking a shot.

Recipe for Salmon-Apricot Salad by Sally Spins

Next, the color combination struck me.  It is very modern to combine adjacent colors on the color wheel.  Color combo approved.



 (Look no further than the African Daisy for proof that this combination occurs in nature:)

Last, for the taste.  You know what?  I really enjoyed it!  It did require a nutty crunch and a viniagrette tang to balance the sweetness.  My salad had that covered.  It was delectable and I would have it for lunch again!   I would try a warm version for dinner, too!   

Here are some salmon-apricot recipes from around the web:

Other combinations to try:  Maple Syrup.  Mustard.  Dates.

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