Sunday, September 30, 2012

Leftover apple cider pancakes

It's apple cider time of year.  The time of year when gallon jugs of brown juice find their way into the refrigerator on a whim..... And sit there for weeks.    You should know that apple cider can make you sick if it is left in the refrigerator too long, especially if the juice is from a farm stand. 

Despite what you hear in the news about the evils of pesticides and the benefits of organic produce, "locavores" should ensure to quickly drink the apple cider from farmstands, preferably within 3 to 5 days.  Why?  Because bacteria can grow in the apple cider.  Many farms do not pasteurize the apple juice in the way that the "evil" mass-marketed juices do.  This shortens the life of the juice and can result in very serious illness that can have long-lasting effects. 

You might notice that your juice does not indicate whether it has been pasteurized or not.  You're not off the hook yet!  The FDA does not require fresh squeezed juice sold at orchards, farmstands, and some restaurants to carry a warning label about pasteurization. 

Therefore, be smart when drinking cider.  Use your nose to smell the juice before pouring in order to get a sense of the freshness.  Do not drink after the recommended date.  Seal juices tightly and store opened juice in temperatures of 40 degrees fahrenheit or below.

Uses for leftover apple cider

Leftover cider pancakes - Add apple pie spice for a delicious pancake.  Don't have apple pie spice?  Make your own from cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, allspice and cardamom.
Apple cider doughnuts - Fry your pancake batter in oil for quickie doughnuts.  Adorn with powdered sugar.
Cider popsicles - Infuse with lemon and a sprig of thyme for an herbal twist on the traditional popsicle.  This is a grown up version of the popsicle.
Mulled cider - Mix cider with orange juice and heat on the stovetop.  Add spices like whole cinnamon sticks, cloves, allspice, brown sugar, orange peel or lemon peel.  Spike it if you want with brandy or spiced wine.   Classic mulled cider recipe from Taste of Home

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