Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Wine Review: Wine by Joe, Jose's Rose, 2010; RECIPE: Savory herb-cheese biscuits

For the next wine review, I went out on a limb of my own and selected a Rose from Oregon's wine country:  2010 Jose's Rose of the label "Wine by Joe" from winemaker Joe Dobbes, a relatively new winemaker on the scene but an experienced one.  At the wine and spirits store, I selected the wine based on (1) the inclusion of "watermelon" in the taste description. (Accurate. Why don't more wines have a note of watermelon?); (2) the alcohol content (13.5%) (not overly weak); and finally, (3) the color: healthy pink.  Not peach or sullied peach.  Actual pale pink! 

The taste was dry, tart-sweet, with a little bit of marshmallows mixed in.  Watermelon, a little bit of honeydew melon,together with citrus and sweet fruit.   Take note:  This wine makes you pucker!  My first food-wine pairing with it was not successful.  It was with peaches. The second time, was well done.  Paired with savory herb-cheese biscuits.  The rosemary in the biscuits was cleansing to the acidity of the wine.  When drinking the wine, I was a sipper at first.  Pinot is not my favorite grape. Soon I was a swigger, however!

As it turns out, I am not the only one giving Wine by Joe a chance.  Last month the brand was tagged as a small winery to watch by Wine Business Monthly.  Looks like my wine picking was right on the mark! The Rose is available in Penna Liquor Stores for under $15.  See below for my recipe for savory herb-cheese biscuits.

Wine by Joe

RECIPE: Savory herb-cheese biscuits
  1. Preheat oven to between 420 and 450 degrees F.
  2. Use your favorite quick-biscuit mix. (I use Bisquick)
  3. Mix with your preferred milk/soymilk product.
  4. Add shredded mexican cheese blend and grated parmesan cheese.
  5. Add spices: kosher salt and ground peppercorns.
  6. Add herbs: dill and rosemary.
  7. Bake for 10 min.

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